Hold your hybrid meetings
with Bosch DICENTIS wireless and Lumens PTZ camera!


  Purchase 20,000 USD
  on Bosch DICENTIS wireless,
  you will get ... 

  1. 50% discount on Bosch DCNM-LCC camera control license 
  2. $100 USD off for every Lumens VC-A50P camera in that order!!

DICENTIS Wireless Conference System

Standard Wi-Fi technology providing a match between location integrity and installation flexibility.


Lumens PTZ Cameras



Delivers 4K UHD 60fps video quality and 30x optical zoom lens providing image details without any distortion.



Delivers 4K and 1080p resolution choices making the VC-A61P more flexible for different shooting purposes.



Delivers outstanding image quality and detailed video in 1080p at 60fps, providing a cost-effective solution.


Lumens IP PTZ cameras have been integrated with Bosch conference systems. The integration provides the superior image quality from small local events to international summits.

Straightforward Installation

IP PTZ cameras and conference systems allow straightforward and flexible set-up without any bulk cables.


Reliable Communication

Provides a fast and secure way to communicate with high-resolution video and safeguards sensitive data.

Accurate Communication

The best image quality and advanced digital audio help ensure accurate communication is being produced in multiple languages.


*This campaign is valid from 1st March to 30th June 2022​,and only available in limited region. 

For more information about this promotion, please contact your local Bosch sales.